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Life lessons from the greatest thinkers on the planet with Chris Williamson. Including guests like David Goggins, Dr Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, Jocko Willink, Dr Andrew Huberman, Dr Julie Smith, Steven Bartlett, Ryan Holiday, James Clear, Robert Greene, Balaji Srinivasan, Steven Pinker, Alex Hormozi, Douglas Murray, Chris Bumstead, James Smith, Dr David Sinclair, Mark Manson and more. Understanding the world is hard. This podcast will help.

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I stopped correcting them and just went with it. Like, yep. I'm mister Ball. And and then, actually, early in 2020, right before I posted that Dyatlov Pass story on TikTok, I I had been using John b Allen on TikTok, and it got shadow banned, I think. My I would post something. And even though my content was failing, it was, like, 0 views. And I'm like, there could be a problem here. So I I made a new account, and I thought, what better than than mister Ballot? Why do you think so many people have a morbid obsession with real life gruesome stories? I don't know. But it's definitely pretty universal. At least from my from my end. You know, I see comments constantly of people saying, you know, I don't know why this is such a comforting thing for me to watch, you know, these gruesome stories, but that's just the way people are. And I I think that the way we've we've thought about it is there's there's real enjoyment out of being scared, I mean, just as a as a person. Now you don't wanna be scared and also be in, like, a a dangerous situation. That's not fun. That's that's fear because you might get hurt or something. But fear when you're in a controlled environment, like a really immersive story where your brain actually begins to inhabit that story and you begin to feel the real feelings that the people in the story might, that's thrilling. And you have the same type of physiological reaction that you would in real life, but you have the safety. Yes. Yes. I come off, I believe, like a like a really comforting host because I'm the former Navy SEAL, so I got you know, I can protect you. Right. Yeah. But I'm also a father, you know, and I I you know, I'm I I I don't try to we were talking before the show about hamming up, you know, the my delivery. Mhmm. I don't go out of my way to make it, like, really spooky. It's just like your buddy telling you a story. I talk like this. I'm covering stories that are dark, but I sound conversational. And so, I think it's like a relatability and know, security to a degree even though I think it's funny that I'm With fear. Yeah. With fear. And I think that so your question was more about the the genre. I turned it into why do they like me? No. I'd I'd I'd

Those numbers from the CDC in 2016. Right. Have you got any idea what percentage of kids are going to therapy, being seen by therapists? Who are therapists seeing mostly at the moment? Is it adults? Is it children? So it's a it's a great question. So we know that 40% of the rising generation has been through a therapist, but I think it's much higher because, you know, what I call you know, what I refer to as bad therapy, this kind of iatrogenic therapy, therapy that makes your systems worse, right, iatrogenesis is when a healer makes a problem worse, they're getting it in the schools. They're being treated to social emotional learning and wellness tips and, all kinds of emotional regulation tips that are supposed to help, but I think it's making it worse. And I I can explain why, but but they're also getting from parents, parents who are treating them based on the best selling books of neuropsychologists and various therapists. So so kids are just absolutely awash in therapy today. Right. Where's that 40% number from? That's a good question. I have to I have to look it up. It was it was widely reported, a couple years ago, and I have to, I I have to I'd have to look at my notes. Okay. That's the rising generation. So is that gen alpha, gen z, you're right. Okay. So we're talking, you know, people born between the ages of 1995 and 2012. Okay. So you need The numbers that you found was 40% of those, so nearly 1 in 2 have seen some form of therapist. Yeah. At some point. So yes. Exactly. Okay. Do you think that the issue is kids' mental health or the way that therapists are treating it? So I think you have both issues. So I think that kids are suffering from bad lives, that bad things in their lives are making them sad, and they have good reason to be sad, and and not and feel lonely and feel anxious. I think they have good reasons for

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The UK, which means that I wake up to just this cacophony of, you know, things that need to be sorted and there's a video going out and there's emails and there's all this stuff. But yeah, I think for me, choosing in advance what you're going to work on and then blocking off a little bit of time, even if it's just an hour. Like, right. I'm just going to do the one thing that is going to move. And if I actually look at your day and say, what would have had to have happened? What's the one thing that would have had to have been done by the end of the day for me to look back and go, success. It's probably not that insane of a thing. It's maybe the thing that you have a bit of hesitation or resistance to doing. It's usually not that insane. Yeah. It's not a massive list in order to be successful. Okay. So, what about when it comes to working environment? Have you are you sit stand desk? Are you take are you doing pomodoros? What else from the productivity you've Depends on what I'm doing. But, again, I'm I I also need quiet to work. That's another thing. So I always kinda look at my daughter who seems to be able to do homework with music on, and I did as well when I was in college. I always had music on when I was doing homework. I I wonder if I could have done better if I didn't. But for whatever reason, when it comes to whatever I do now, which is usually writing, I wouldn't be able to do a great job with any distraction sound wise or otherwise. Yeah. I like to be standing if I'm not on Zoom. My the way my office is set up, it's just a lot easier to be sitting if I'm on Zoom. I also you know, I think, you know, people ask me all the time, like, do you, you know, do you count your steps or how many minutes you're standing or sitting? And the truth of it is, I don't at all. Right? And the reason is I'm doing so much other stuff that I don't really need to be particularly attentive to those things. Mhmm. All things equal, of course, I'd rather be standing or walking than sitting. But but I don't tend to fix it on. You're ignoring dollars to pick up pennies if you're thinking about how much time you're spending standing throughout the day. Yeah. And by the way, I think that is valuable for an individual who can't make 2 hours a day to exercise. But, fortunately, I've just made that an unbelievable

Them. And I just found it a cold, lonely, and detached way of living, and so I've set on on a journey for 10 years to become a little more emotionally vulnerable, a little more emotionally available, and little less of a complete emotional idiot. What do you think compels people to not feel feelings? I think, a, grew up in a certain culture where feel feelings are not acceptable, especially if they're guys. 2, fear. Feelings are sort of hard to control. Fear of vulnerability, desire for mastery. If you can reduce the world to systems and logical systems, then it's a world you can control, and people are just afraid of intimacy. I mean, the thing we want most in the world is to be seen in our fullness. The thing we fear most in the world is to be seen in our fullness, and so it's terrifying to open yourself up, to people, and I found moments of real, you know, scariness because, you know, who knows how much to reveal? Who knows? It's scary to face yourself, but, you know, over the years, I've become better at it, I think, and I've come to just totally appreciate this way of life. I was at a conference about 2 years ago in Nantucket, and we're at some venue and the speaker passes out these sheets of paper, and on each sheet of paper is those lyrics to a love song and the speaker tells us find a stranger, stare into their eyes, and sing the love song into their eyes, and if you'd asked me to do that 10 years ago, I would have spontaneously combusted, but, but I did it, and I wouldn't wanna do that every day, but, I'm glad to be a little more loose than I used to be. Yeah. Describing the desire for mastery, control, fear, lack of safety around expressing emotions. If I managed to get you in the first statement, then you've managed to get me in that one because it's just, I'm in therapy at the moment prop properly.